Usually after buying some stuff you get a bag with logo of the store on it. But some companies understood that there is a better and more effective way for advertising. They designed bags in completely different way. With some knowledge of Guerilla marketing they got amazing results. I encourage you to see 10 most creative shopping bags that could be found on internet.
10. Clothes in Closets: Knuckle Bag
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The prices are so low that you will need this knuckle for fighting with other customers.
9. Magic-i: Floating Bag
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It’s not very comfortable but looks very good.
8. Donation Bag for “Die Arche Berlin”
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Girl asking for help just inside your bag.
7. Condomi Erotic Shopping Bag
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People are walking around and holding their crotch…
6. Red Cross Shopping Bag
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Carrying a bag of your own blood. The bag was created by advertising agency Lem, Shanghai, China.
5. Child Adoption Campaign Shopping Bag
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Looks like you are carrying a baby.
4. Shopping Bag: Samsung TV
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Very realistic TV set advertisement.
3. Wheaties Shopping Bag
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This bag inspires you to get in shape.
2. Fitness Company Shopping Bag
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Strong enough?
1. Shumensko: Beer Case
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It’s a paper bag for a Bulgarian beer called ‘Shumensko’. Very creative.